Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Goldfish are all they're cracked up to be

So, for those who haven't been paying attention to Goldfish crackers, watch out, because your mind is about to be blown!

Sorry, I've gotten too far ahead of myself. Goldfish crackers, those delightful bits of orange have recently experienced a resurgence on their awesomeness scale. That's right, they've elevated from "Way Awesome" to "Totally Awesome." How did PF (Pepperidge Farm) enhance the product formerly known as "That Thing That Plenty Of Kids Place In The Aquarium Whilst Their Dad Was Trying To Clean Said Aquarium Resulting In The Untimely Death Of Actual Living GoldFish" well, that's the mindblowing part.

... chocolate covered goldfish. Sit down, it'll be all right. Let me explain. The other day at work, someone came in asking for the chocolate goldfish. We assumed she was referring to the chocolate graham ones that even the most pedestrian of goldfishers knows about. But oh no, she actually wanted Goldfish crackers covered with chocolate, and the good people at Pepperidge Farm actually indulged this whim!

Granted, it's chocolate covered pretzels (AKA "The Poor Man's Poison"), but it's a step in the right direction. Imagine the funtastical directions the good people at PF could take this. Chocolate Covered Pizza. Chocolate Covered Nothin' But Nacho. Chocolate Covered Parmesean. Chocolate Covered Monterey Jack Sampler. Chocolate Covered Calcium Enriched Salt & Vinegar Goldfish Product (available in certain regions of Canada... screw you Montpelier!)--a name like that just rolls off the tongue... and down the throat! And my favorite, chocolate covered chocolate covered goldfish, with super enhanced sucky pretzel fighting endorphins.

All I can say


Jarvis said...

They don't have Nothin but Nacho kind any more. could people who read this go to pepperidge and leave a comment saying they want the stuff back!! that would be awesome thanks!! I am so devastated because of it.

Jarvis said...

Say that you want Nothin but Nacho back and say that you won't buy their stuff if they don't. that would be cool.