Tuesday, December 16, 2008

uncommon cat toys

I think anyone who owns a cat knows that they enjoy playing with the things they perceive as being "not toys." You can buy the fanciest, fuzzy, crinkly, pink toy mouse out there, but when given the choice between pink mouse and a milk seal, the seal always wins.

I'm providing a list of uncommon (and cheap) cat toys -

1. Milk/Juice Seal - You know the little piece of plastic you have to peal off before you can unscrew the top... cats love it.
2. Pipe Cleaners - Just make sure you fold the ends down, so they aren't so pokey.
3. Cardboard Boxes - Our cats are interior designers and architects. They enjoy large boxes that they can chew skylights and trap doors into. We have an aquarium box that never fails to entertain and leave tiny bits of cardboard all over our carpet.
4. Dice - This may not be the best for most cats, but ones who like a challenge won't be able to resist the bouncy, clink dice make when dropped into a bathtub or tile floor. Rio likes to carry them around in her mouth and throw them to herself.
5. Drum Sticks - Our cats think these are evil and drag them around the house to show them who's the boss (and it isn't Tony Danza)!
6. Feathers - I bought a pack of craft store feathers for my owl costume, and it was all I could do to keep the cats from wandering away with them all.
7. Dinosaurs - Toy ones of course. I found one in their water dish this morning--he met a watery death. Muwah-wah-wahhhh.
8. Straws - Sprocket stole one out of the garbage, and he loves it. He'll carry it around and attack it for hours. But, he also likes to sleep on Stephen King books "Insomnia" and "Needful Things" so he is a little odd to start with.
9. Kleenex/Toliet Paper/Paper Towel - Give them the empty roll or a sheet... but it gets pretty messy.

They love any of these items more than anything we've ever bought for them. Jerks.


ban said...

Twist ties...Kallie loves twist ties. And putting twist ties under doors. And being confused because then the twist tie is no more...

Anonymous said...

haha i have to try some of these.. cooper got loads of toys for xmas, but he doesn't love them very much...except the mouse laser pointer.