Friday, January 23, 2009

raw diet anyone? for animlas I mean...

I am seriously considering switching my cats to a BARF (Bones and Raw Food--unfortunate acronym, I know) diet. I'm a little overwhelemed with it all at the moment, so I'm soliciting advice if anyone knows anything about it.

Right now, the kittens are on IAMS but a suspect Sprocket has a slight grain allergy which makes his eyes goop up after he eats and Rio is a little on the tubby side. Both of these things are supposed to improve on a BARF diet, not to mention just general health and life span improvements. These (and other animals) are the only children I'll ever have, so I want them to have the best and most nutritious food out there.

If I decide BARF isn't going to work out for whatever reasons, I'll at least switched them to human-grade canned food and supplement it sometimes with a chicken wing or other meaty goodness. I won't make the switch until I get a job and their current bag of cat food is gone (~2+ mo), but I think it is so complex that I better get a jump on it now.

Oh, and I think I'm going to try and potty train them so I stop having to waste all this litter to prevent Rio from being naughty. Man, it would be awesome... and I have the time to do it...

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