Tuesday, April 21, 2009

wildlife case update - IV

Things are starting to pick up here! More and more animals are coming, and baby season is underway! Only a matter of time before it all hits. This 70 degree weather ain't bad either :)

Old Cases (Link to previous update--here):

1. Opossums (babies, grp of 9) - Still doing fabulous. Transferred 4 of them to another wildlife center because they had a single baby who needed some friends. PAWS has a limit of 30 opossums, so we were eager to unload a few.

2. Bald Eagle (asper suspect, healed wing injury) - Still no progress as far as endurance goes. Some people were working on a bunny hutch near the flight cage and this guy flipped out and started banging into things. He had a cere injury and a laceration above his eye that were cleaned with nolvasan and bleeding stopped with duoderm. Moved to a padded raptor box for a day to chill out, then went back to the flight.

3. Opossum (adult, L leg luxation) - Still on the hill in small mammal caging. Still improving and acting more like a regular opossum. Hissing and displaying his teeth for us. Should be ready to go soon, I would imagine.

4. Band-tailed Pigeon (infant, orphan) - I actually hadn't seen this guy for a week or so since he moved up to Ekker caging. All feathered, eating well, just needs to get a little better at flying and he'll be out of here.

5. Pileated Woodpecker (adult female, window strike, gasping) - Left her on oxygen for the night, but she didn't make it until morning.

6. American Crow (adult, head trauma, WNV suspect) - Euthanized. Condition worsened.

New Cases:

7. Canada Goose (adult, poisoning) - Came from another center with something in his throat (turned out to be fishing lure/hook) and presenting poisoning symptoms. I learned how to do blood work and did a fecal on my own. Started on chelation therapy and giving tube feedings. Unfortunately, he did not survive.

8. Chestnut-backed Chickadee (adult, missing tail feathers, cat attack) - Recieveing antibiotics because of the cat attack, but not visible trauma aside from the tail feathers. Waiting for them to regrow or possibly releasing after meds are complete (he is very flighty and capable).

9. Mallards (six so far...) - First baby duckies are here!! Peep peep. Everyone loves baby ducks :) Just orphans, all are doing fine.

10. Gosling (infant, orphan) - Only one. Tried to put in with mallards, but the bigger group of 4 beat him up. And the smaller group of 2 huddled up under him like he was mom. We have an adult CAGO in the runs missing secondary flight feathers, so we sent the gosling in there with it. At first the adult was scared... of course the gosling ran right up to the adult who was hissing at it. Eventually they got along okay... not bffs, but good enough.

11. Opussoms (infant, group of 6) - Mom was dead, hit by a car. 6 babies in her pouch. They smelled AWFUL and one already was riddled with fly eggs. They were extremely cold, so put them in the incubator to warm up. Then, cleaned off the nasty that was on them. Then, gave subQ fluids and let them warm up some more. They all seemed to be fine. These 6 put us at our limit of 30... no more opus for us.

12. Bald Eagle (adult) - Another one of these guys. Seems he was poisoned (pesticides this time). Waiting for room in the largest flight pen...

1 comment:

Ms. Megan said...

Rainaa I have a blog now too we can be blog friends yay! Cute chickies I want one