Friday, October 10, 2008

much anticipated "photos of our apartment" post

A note on this post. Raina went through and wrote the initial post. Kevin then read it and added his comments in green. So whereas Raina might say "Things are neat!!!" Kevin would say "This is the hippingest-hoppingest of all schlizammers in the joint!!"

Before the pictures, a few things about it. We only looked at one other place, and this one just blew it out of the water. I think it is a brand new complex or maybe just completely remodeled? Either way, everything is pretty nice. Oh and it is only a one bedroom, so visitors will need to sleep on an air mattress in the living room or at the nearby Comfort Inn. Your choice!

It is 660 sq feet (160 sq feet larger than our Madison apt). $925 per month for rent ($130 more than Madison), but we don't have the additional parking expense or pet rent... bitchin'. Our security deposit was half a months rent because I am poor :(, but kinda funny because I was the one to pay our sec. and pet deposit plus October's rent.

In the complex, there is a tennis court and outdoor pool. There is going to be a fitness room... but as of now, it doesn't exist. We remain hopeful, but until then, Wii Fit must suffice.

Now onto the pictures.

The "view" from our balcony when you look to the left. Although, we don't actually look to the left, or even use the balcony that often, but it's nice to know it's there.

The "view" to the right from the balcony. See above.

Our glorious front door and entry way. It is on the second floor, but all our doors open straight to the outside. I'm petrified the felines will run out.

Our bedroom. Kinda small, but we really never used our HUGE bedroom in Madison.

Other half of our bedroom. Can't really have anything on the wall below that corkboard because Rio is naughty and rips stuff out of it. She enjoys redecorating things to her liking.... we do not.

The washer and dryer!!! YAY! They are microscopic in size though, but I can't really complain.

Our dining area. This is where the birds live--not pictured. One of the damages from the move was the top of this table had a few gashes...

Sunken living room and Rio's toys right in the middle of it. The fireplace is an actual woodburning one. Won't be using that--we have it saftey pinned shut to avoid kitten infiltration. Please note how "Degrassi: The Next Generation" is playing on the plasma. Raina is a 21-year-old Woman... Degrassi is intended for Canadian tweens. Make your own conclusions. Please also note that I was busy doing other things like taking pictures and not watching Degrassi! But, if you look closely, you can see K's pant leg on the couch, facing the TV. Make your own conclusions.

In living room facing the kitchen. The chair in this photo was another part of the damages--the top/back part has a nail jutting out and metal structural stuff popping out. But on the plus side, when Sprocket plays "Cliffhanger" on it, it's not like he's damaging the whole thing.

In living room facing the dining room. Loves me some lanterns and stars!

In the dining room looking at the balcony door and living room. Shoving that couch through our narrow staircase was awful. Kevin kept ramming my shins and knocking me down. Raina kept falling... where's the dedication?!?!

Bathroom with Kevin's skull man and Patrick's owl prominently displayed. The flooring is a faux tile and looks really similar to the fireplace.

The bathroom again, showing our lovely sink and mirror!

Kitchen half nearest to the living room. The microwave has something against frozen berries--it likes to set them on fire! Fire good! No, fire bad.

The other half of the kitchen. The floors are faux wood... very strange texture. When we try playing dice with Rio, instead of bouncing like a good die does, it kind of just... well, it dies. That's a pun!!

Ah yes, need a shot of the DISHWASHER!! It's like sex, but in appliance form!

My parking space is the size of a postage stamp. The Cavalier has a HUGE front end making it hard to shimmy in and out (that's what she said... literally). Also, it is a two door car so you need a lot of room to open the doors far enough to get out. Luckily, Kevin traded me so I am able to get out--but it is tight. I can't complain because the leasing lady forgot to make me pay $30/mo. extra for it. Wonder how long it will be before she catches on?

The surrounding area is not the prettiest. Lots of construction in the surrounding block--new apartment complexes I believe. There is the worlds smallest "park" which is essentially a grass knoll surrounding a barbwire fenced-off area. Very chic.

It is one block from Aurora Ave which has a lot of businesses along it and is pretty much an I5 alternative route/prostitution hub. The interurban bike/walking trail is a block away as is a bus stop. All in all, a pretty good location as far as practicality is concerned. Scenery could use some work.

In case anyone did not receive it, our new address is:

14335 Linden Ave N.
Apt D201
Seattle, WA 98133

That's all for this post.


--Kevin out!


ban said...

In that picture of the chair, that's not one of those hemroid do-nut pillows, is it?

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, your apartment is pretty sweet. I'll be looking forward to taking over your couch in the near future.

Kevin said...

#1 So what if that is a hemorrhoid pillow... but it's not. It's a cat toy, because cats hate hemorrhoids.

#2 I understand the hidden context Amanda... the "I look forward to watching Degrassi on you couch" it didn't slip by me!

Kate Katzban-Beren said...

I like that if you click through to the large sized photos you can clearly see she FLWC ugly green & purple paw magnet on your fridge.

Way to bring FLWC to the masses!

The Fab Miss B said...

It looks like all Momma D's furniture found a fabulous new home in Seattle. And I couldn't agree more about the dishwasher- I only wish we had one. (SIGH)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you don't use your balcony! I will have to come out and use it for you.