Monday, October 6, 2008

TV, oh glorious lifegiving TV.

I don't know if anyone has ever lived without TV before, but it's not something I'd wish upon my worst enemy. When we got into our apartment, literally one of the first things I did was call Comcast and tell them we need cable and internet, STAT.

To them, STAT means, "when we feel like it," AKA a week later. So we spent a week not knowing if they were going to break out of Prison, not seeing Dexter kill or the doctors from Grey's be their surprisingly idiotic selves (which, I suppose is actually a good thing...).

Today the TV came, the Comcast came, we got everything set up. We moved out of the dark ages and squarely into the 20th century. Just now, "Unwrapped" came on Food Network HD... "Unwrapped" in HD... I just might cry.



Anonymous said...

Haha, I went 3 years without TV. It's not that hard. :p


raina said...

I don't think it was the lack of tv as much as it was the lack of jobs driving me insane.